Friday, December 23, 2011


I have to give my thanks to this blog

because I read about this challenge that I am going to do

which ties into these goals I already set for myself.

How cool is that!!


Here are the focus points for this challenge with my goals in Italic and/or Hot Pink.
  1. Commit to a NSV (non scale victory) to be assessed at the start and the conclusion of the challenge.  
    • Quit drinking diet coke and other sugar and aspartame drinks (hot or cold)
    • Commune with higher power every day
    • Read something uplifting every day
  2. Commit to a set of nutrition parameters and track.
    • 1600 Calories
    • No foods with flour or refined sugar
  3. Commit to a set of exercise parameters.
    • 44 situps  and some form of daily exercise
    • Run Frigid 5k on January 15th!
  4. Commit to blogging at least twice weekly and 1 of those times must be you check in with a complete up date on your progress. All other blogs could include new insights, results of weekly challenges, or just letting others know how you are doing.  I probably blog way more than I should anyway but I'm hooked because of the support I have received has literally saved me from my own personal hell!
  5. Commit to support... both giving and receiving. Check others blogs and comment as you feel motivated to do. This will be good for me to remember to give the support that I am thankful to receive!  I read a lot of blogs but I rarely comment and I am so proud of others accomplishments that I must get in the habit of telling them because I know how much it means to me!


  1. "We" are in this challenge together. It will be easier with support. Glad you are in on this challenge with me. :)

  2. I am in this challenge too, and like Deanna I am glad you're in it too! :) We will do so great together!

  3. I like your goals. I also look forward to losing with you.

  4. The support definitely is awesome, giving it & receiving it helps a lot cause as you comment on others it helps keep you focused & maybe to not be so hard in yourself.... that's been my experience anyways:-). I look forward to going through this challenge with ya:-)

  5. Awesome challenge goals. I gave up aspartame (I was addicted to Coke Zero) and my health improved significantly, I encourage anyone who wants to kick that habit.
    Wishing you lots of luck in the challenge.

  6. Great set of goals, Will Look Forward in following you thru this Challenge and beyond!

  7. Look forward to following you and doing the challenge with you.
