Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Yesterday I sat in stupor.  I wanted to write a post and connect to the world but the words that went through my head were “what do I have to offer?” with the answer being a big fat nothing.  So I didn’t write. 

I am not a spiritual giant of amazing things to say with insights that will change people’s lives.  In fact, of the many roles I have to play in my busy life, I have failed the most important one – me.   Change was imminent because I was so lost that the only place left was change.  I thought if I could find a place to write – to vent, to plan, to plot, to record, that I could see the changes that needed to be made and keep me from self-destruction.  This was for me.  But, along the way, I found friends who share in my goal for change – and you have something important to say.  Plus, you give me encouragement and hope and I can see a bright future.  I have felt accepted and loved and welcomed.  I feel …. well, home.

Someday, maybe I can make someone else feel like you have made me feel.  Maybe a word I say will mean something to someone who is struggling just like I am.  Maybe the road I am on will help someone else start a journey of their own.   But, until that time, all I have to offer, is the me that I am right now and I hope that is enough.

One day.  One minute.  One step at a time.



  1. That was so sweet. Don't beat yourself up for not being Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung - you are just fine and just being honest and telling about what you are going through touches people in ways you may never know. Those of us who get wordy and give our opinions are the ones who get into trouble :-) I lost about 3 followers when I wrote about my political and religious views. I haven't been on the internet in 3 days and today when I got to the library with my laptop I noticed I have gotten 3 followers so - it's all good. Our blogs are about us - our struggles, successes and for those like me who can't keep quiet sometimes - political and religious views. It is a weight loss blog so I try to keep it to a minimum but I stray occasionally. Just be yourself.

  2. Just be yourself and be honest (with yourself) and we will be here for/with you. We love when you write from the heart. That's why most of us are here.

  3. You gave me a lot with your comment in my blog today, and this post made me smile. You have so much to contribute to all of us that are in the same boat. We share struggles and hurdles, pulling together makes it easier to get where we want to go :)

  4. You are moving forward....That is inspiring period. So many people are stuck in stasis. When someone sees you moving forward it feels like they can move forward. Keep up the good work. Oh, and don't worry abotu blogging. I didn't blog for four or five days and got three or four followers..I post and lose three. lol. Guess they didn't like the me that wrote that blog. But you know what, I do it for me. They don't like it they can blow.

  5. Every time you leave a comment, you are helping someone.. but as Christine said, you blog for yourself and to aid you in your journey.

  6. Just writing your struggle about writing and writing out those feelings helped me. It makes me realize and remember that I'm not alone!!!

  7. I wish I had the words to express my love and gratitude for your support of me. Thank you dear friends. Thank you!
